Staff and Leadership

Please find below an introduction to our church leaders and staff members.
Vicar - Revd Dr Andy Bawtree   Vergers
Andy has followed Jesus for as long as he can remember and seeks to love and serve the people of River. He delights in preaching the Gospel and administering the two Sacraments (as all Anglican clerics love to do).   We are blessed to have a number of people who work behind the scenes to make sure everything is neat, tidy and ready for worship of the Living God, as well as for funerals, baptisms & weddings.
Churchwarden - Tim Moseling   Churchwarden - Gill Rowland
Tim comes from a local family, his father served in the Royal Marines.
He was raised at SS Peter & Paul, Charlton in Dover and has an appreciation for Anglo-Catholic ecclesiology.
  Gill came to faith in Jesus in the Church of England and has been a faithful disciple for many years.  She has a background in education and developing others helping them to grow. 
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Treasurer - Adrian Fellows   Reader - Lynne Watson
We are well served by Adrian, he is both diligent in looking after the finances and is often found tidying the churchyard. He was raised in the Methodist Church and maintains their fine traditions of worship and Bible study.   Lynne has a background in education and as a Reader in the Church of England puts those skills to good use as she preaches from the Bible and gets involved in our community and across the Dover Deanery and Ashford Archdeaconry.

Margaret Bowers has a long history of pastoral ministry in the Church. She has recently completed her academic studies and will be serving the Lord Jesus in a new pastoral role.

Reader - Margaret Bowers
Margaret has a long history of pastoral work
in the Church. She has recently completed her
academic studies and serves as a Reader with 
a focus on pastoral ministry. She has a big heart
and shares her love of Jesus with others.

If you need to contact the Church please visit the Contact Us page.